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Pastor Aubrey Miller

Pastor's Corner – August 28th, 2023

faith church midfield summer

"I do"

This two-word sentence has created more liars than any phrase in the English language.

Men and women throughout history have made this statement to confirm their intent to commit themselves to each other for life. Similarly, Christ covenants to His bride, the Church, that we are saved and that we will spend eternity in Heaven with Him.

Unfortunately, approximately 50% of all marriages today end in divorce. If marriage between a man and a woman is a picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church, then we have only a 50% chance of receiving eternal life. The fact of the matter is that when Christ said, “I do” in the Garden of Gethsemane, “He did” on the cross. Because His “yes” meant “Yes”, you and I are eternally saved. Unfortunately, Our, “yes” sometimes really means, “maybe” and our, “I do’s” sometimes mean that we do until we get tired or until we find something or someone better.

When we say “I do” to Christ or “I do” to a mate, be certain that your mind, your body and your spirit are capable of supporting the commitment made by your mouth.



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