Pastor's Corner – April 9th, 2024
Whenever the members of Faith Church venture outside the walls of the Sanctuary, we have the opportunity to share Jesus with people who don’t know they need Him.
When we go outside, we meet people in a safe neutral space and from there we can lead them into a new relationship with Christ and to a new membership in the Church family.
This past Saturday, the Faith Church Health and Wellness Fair was such an opportunity. There were dozens of vendors, friends from the immediate community and seekers from all over Jefferson County.
When scripture speaks of the plentiful harvest, this is it.
Whether events are led by the Wellness Team, Education or Evangelism, those events are opportunities for all work areas and teams to touch the people who show up. I was so pleased to see many of our leaders taking advantage of the opportunity to witness last Saturday and I encourage all of us to be even more intentional during future events.
Speaking of future events, Vacation Bible School is coming up, June 24-26!
Go ahead and place those dates on your calendar and consider serving as a volunteer. We’ll have a curiosity/registration table set up in the foyer beginning this weekend and you are encouraged to check it out.
I hope you are as excited as I am about the buzz around the music ministry. Fred Obare, along with the Faith Church Praise Team are off to a great start. I really appreciate the way the musicians, the singers and A/V are all working together to produce a seamless worship experience that honors God and leads us all into a more intimate worship atmosphere.
This Saturday, the Leaf Pantry will be open to shoppers!
If you’ve never volunteered, you’re missing a great opportunity to share the love of God with people just like us. Come! We always welcome friendly faces in the sanctuary who are willing to pray and encourage those who are waiting to shop.
This Sunday, Pastor will continue the message that asks the question, “Is Heaven for Real?”. Faith Church is on the move and we look forward to seeing you this weekend.