Pastor's Corner – May 3rd, 2024
May is here and that means Mother’s Day, graduations, vacations, warm summer days...
... and a slump in Church attendance, involvement and giving.
I believe God is calling on us as a Church and as individual Christians to seize this summer as a season of sacrifice and service.
As we reflect on the past few months, we cannot help but see how God has lavished his provision on us.
He has met our every challenge with resources more than sufficient to accomplish our mission and His will.
Our children are flourishing both here in the Church as well as those whose careers have taken them to other parts of the country. Our former students are now teaching a whole new generation of students and they make us so proud.
Our ministry leaders are producing exceptional programs and events providing us with amazing opportunities to touch this entire region with the love of God – The Leaf Food Pantry and Urban Farm, Career Fair, Health and Wellness Fair, Youth on the Move, our Faith Church Praise Team, Men’s Prayer Breakfast, etc.
All these and more have been sustained all year and we anticipate even greater success in the months ahead.
With your sacrificial commitment of time, talent and resources, I am certain that the second half of 2024 will be even more fruitful than the first half. So, how can you be part of this great time of harvest?
You can begin by making a commitment to attend and participate in every worship service possible. Invite your unchurched friends and family to attend Church with you. Give sacrificially to the ministries of Faith Church. Volunteer to serve an existing ministry or start a Small Group.
VBS is coming up in June.
I believe God would be honored if we organized a small army of youth and adults to systematically blanket this neighborhood handing out prayers and personal invitations asking people to join us for VBS.
Don’t miss the moment! The time is NOW!