Pastor's Corner – July 13th, 2023
We are approaching our second anniversary as a congregation in the Midfield community and we have so much to celebrate including the fact that we are still here and still growing. When we were searching for a suitable home for our church, this was not my first choice.
Somewhere along the way, God Showed me that the building was NOT the most important factor of a successful ministry.
He showed me that the most important element of ministry is people, including pastors, focused on God’s will and determined to maintain a steadfast commitment to His calling. We are where we belong, and His presence here confirms that truth.
When I delivered the message last Sunday entitled “What do you want and how bad do you want it?”, I was convicted because what I wanted was a successful ministry and a big church. What God wants is a faithful servant and committed people.
Too often we measure ministerial success by the size of the congregation, the splendor of the building and the attention gained by the ministries and programs. All those things are important but at the end of the day, God is the multiplier, the builder and the chief priest of this and all churches and He works with what we give Him.
Today, I challenge every member and friend of Faith Church to WANT for God’s sovereignty over this church and this community. I also challenge us to WANT it bad enough to give ourselves and all that we have to him so that He has something to work with.