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Aubrey Miller

Pastor Aubrey Miller

Pastor's Corner – October 12th, 2022

Last Wednesday, I found myself on the campus of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas.

Now, if you’re not a fan of Tony Evans, this means nothing to you; but if you’re like me, setting foot on that campus in Dallas was one of the high points of my life.

I was there for his Annual Pastor’s Summit and it was a power-filled week of teaching and revelation. My initial observation was the fact that Oak Cliff is a Church not very different from Faith Church. Their staff and volunteers were a lot like ours. Of course, the campus was larger, and the members were greater in number, but the music was no better, the sound was no more professional, and the hospitality was no more genuine than ours. I enjoyed being somewhere different, but we have a lot to be proud of at Faith.

The most often repeated theme of the conference was to maintain the call and to not give up regardless of the storms. This was the theme of every lesson Tony Taught and it was also the theme of Charlie Dates, a new preacher from Chicago whose name you’ll be hearing a lot in the coming months. The teachings of both men confirmed for me that as a Church, we are where we are supposed to be. Despite our storms, the harvest is plentiful in west Jefferson County and we have been sent to sow the Word. Some of us will never see the full harvest of our work, but the harvest will come. Out of our small congregation will come spiritual giants destined to transform this entire region one life at a time. As I listened to Vaughn’s message last Sunday, and Stephen’s a couple of weeks ago, God has placed great vessels in this ministry and with God’s help, I look forward to pouring into every life and every ministry expressing a desire to receive.

This is the 4th quarter of 2022. In the next few days, we will assess where we are and we will chart a course that will guarantee a strong finish – for the Church and for us as individuals.



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