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Aubrey Miller

Pastor Aubrey Miller

Pastor's Corner – November 13th, 2022

Have you ever sensed the presence of God?

I’m not talking about a spooky surreal experience accompanied by background music and mystical lights – I’m talking about overwhelming sense of His actual presence in your circumstances.

I can’t say that this happens to me every day, but I can say that I sense that presence more now than in the past. Let me give you some examples. I felt His presence a couple of weeks ago during an intense vertigo attach while driving from Atlanta to Birmingham during a rainstorm. In a totally different way, I felt the same presence when I learned this week that Vaughn and Angel’s son, Kendall, had been killed. In my vertigo incident, God’s presence saved Beverly’s and my lives. In the case of young Kendall, it seems that He just robbed us and hid His hand.

Before you judge me, let me explain. Kendall was a charming young man with an infectious smile. His family was crushed by the incident and healing is bound to be hard. So, what’s the upside to this situation? God did not take this child’s life; sin did, and He is already situated in his new heavenly accommodations. As a Church family, we will do everything possible to embrace this grieving family for as long as they hurt.

On a lighter note, this Sunday is a special day for Faith Church. Following worship, we’ll get together for our annual “Pot-Luck” which allows our members and friends to share their favorite dishes in sort of a pre-Thanksgiving throwdown. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to fellowship and to share the love.



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