Pastor's Corner – July 26th, 2022
At this writing, we’re all enjoying Vacation Bible School.
This is our first year to offer VBS at our new location and I hope you will join me in thanking all our volunteers and teachers for this wonderful evangelistic outreach program.
If you missed last Sunday’s morning worship, you certainly missed a treat as Stephen Myers brought an amazing word on the matter of Praise & Worship. I don’t recall ever hearing a message on the subject as clearly delivered as we heard last Sunday. Thanks Stephen, for this excellent teaching.
The silent phase of our capital campaign is well underway and thanks to the 17 families and individuals who have stepped up to make their sacrificial pledge to the future of Faith Church. If you have not yet made your commitment, please do so ASAP and remember, you are not required to pay out your pledge until December. Please pray about your commitment and make your pledge today. There’s so much we want to do in this community.
This Sunday, your Pastor will address the subject of “Triggers”. Back in the day, comedian Flip Wilson did a regular skit where he dressed up as Geraldine and he would say or do something and remark, “the devil made me do it”. Today, we all do things, and we give motivational credit to others for what we do. We blame our jobs on the neglect we show our families. We blame the pressures of family responsibilities for our overindulgence in alcohol. What are your triggers? What can you do to stop the insanity? Join us Sunday and receive the answers.